SSH access

SSH is implemented through Amezmo's secure entry point host. We securely route your connection from our load balancer directly to your instance using a pre-allocated port. Learn more about enabling ssh access and finding your port.

SSH command

ssh -i <path to your private key> -p $PORT deployer@$
  • -i This argument contains the path to your private key file. When you enable SSH, you must add a public key. Every public key has a private key as well. These are referred to as a public/private key pair.
  • -p This is the port of your SSH server. Amezmo allocates a unique port for your inbound SSH sessions. This can be found on your instance's Overview page.

SFTP command

sftp -i <path to your private key> $PORT deployer@$

The $DOMAIN variable above can be found from your dashboard. It is the part before your internal domain. To find your SSH port, please see the SSH port page

Windows Putty application


Hostname: $
Port: $PORT
Connection type: ssh

Connection -> SSH -> Auth

Private key for authentication: Browse to local file with private key


  • Root access is not implemented
  • Public Key authentication is the only supported method of authentication