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Supported PHP Versions

PHP server instances on Amezmo can support any PHP project and any version of PHP that you need. All PHP versions from The PHP Group are supported.

Start for free See pricing
PHP 5.6
PHP 7.0
PHP 7.1
PHP 7.2
PHP 7.3
PHP 7.4

Run any PHP version

Instantly change your version of FPM, PHP, in one click. Amezmo supports every PHP version and it's easy to switch.

PHP version dropdown selector

First-class Git support

Each time you run git push, and new deployment is started. No plugins, or add-ons required.

Secure by default

We built a secure-by-default PHP platform so you can spin up instances and deploy production-grade applications in seconds. We automatically apply the latest security updates for you too.

Free SSL Management

Bring your custom domains to Amezmo and get automatically renewed SSL certificates through Let's Encrypt including wildcard certificates.

Backup while you sleep

Automatic MySQL backups work out of the box without any configuration. Encrypt your backups and store them offline too.

Horiziontally scale

Share your instance/application with other Amezmo instances securely.

Run queues/workers

Amezmo's background process manager handles the logging, stopping, and re-deploying of your queue/workers. Best of all, your workers are automatically reloaded after each deployment.