Persistent storage

The /webroot/storage directory is available for your production persistent storage needs. By default, this directory is created for you when you launch an instance. You should configure your application to write files to this directory if you need to persist user uploaded content, or other files across deployments. For staging environements, the persistent storage directory follows the same pattern but it's located under /webroot/$stagingRootDirectory/storage. To find the value of $stagingRootDirectory, search for "Storage directory" under the Git tab.

To automatically link a deployment your persistent storage directory, see Setting up the storage directory.

Directory layout

    |----current -> /webroot/release/deployment_${sequence_number}.${short_commit_id}

By default, /webroot/storage is owned by user deployer and group www-data. All files and directories written to /webroot/storage will inherit the group ofwww-data.

As part of the deployment process, Amezmo will run a chmod across your target deployment directory. This ensures that any files created from your hooks will have correct and expected permissions. Amezmo ensures the owner/group is www-data:deployer. This allows for expected permissions across all areas of your application.

The /webroot/storage/public is created for public file uploads. Files uploaded to this directory can be accessible from your domain by creating a symbolic link from /webroot/storage/public to /webroot/current/public. See the public directory documentation for more details.

When uploading files from your PHP app, the default owner and group is www-data. At this time, Amezmo has chosen not to modify the default PHP FPM configuration in an effort to run the FPM daemon as a non-shell capable access user. We recommend the following file system permissions when writing and uploading new files to your instance.

Recommend file permissions settings

The following permission configuration is Amezmo's recommendation for PHP applications hosted on Amezmo. Note that the example shows a Laravel based configuration array, but these permissions are not specific to Laravel. Any PHP application hosted on Amezmo should use these permissions and settings.

This file is located at app/config/filesystems.php. The

return [
    // Other code omitted
    'default' => 'public',
    'disks' => [
        'local' => [
            'driver' => 'local',
            'root' => '/webroot/storage',
            'permissions' => [
                'file' => [
                    'public' => 0664,
                    'private' => 0664,
                'dir' => [
                    'public' => 0700,
                    'private' => 0700,

        'public' => [
            'driver' => 'local',
            'root' => '/webroot/storage/public',
            'url' => env('APP_URL').'/storage',
            'visibility' => 'public',
            'permissions' => [
                'file' => [
                    'public' => 0664,
                    'private' => 0664,
                'dir' => [
                    'public' => 0700,
                    'private' => 0700,

The above permissions provide expected behavior across all application areas. With the above file permissions, your depoyment hooks may read and write existing and new files and your workers may read and write existing and new files.
