Deployment Directories

For each deployment, Amezmo creates a new directory under /webroot/release. This contents of this directory are effectively the results of running git pull at the time the deployment was executed.

If the deployment succeeds, Amezmo updates the /webroot/current symbolic link to point to the new deployment directory that was created.



The $sequence_number variable above resolves to the environments current deployment sequence. The $short_commit_id resolves to short form Git SHA1 hash.

Amezmo maintains an environment directory per environment inside your instance to implement atomic deployments and to separate staging and production. Throughout this documentation, we refer to the "current release directory" as the directory that was created as a result of a succesfull deployment.

    |----current -> /webroot/release/deployment_${sequence_number}.${short_commit_id}

Successful deployments

All of the following conditions must be met for a deployment to be considered successful

  • The git repository and branch exists and is visible from Amezmo
  • No non-zero exit status codes from any of your hooks. However, the exit statuses of the following hooks will not affect the deployment outcome.

As a final step in the deployment process, the symbolic link located at /webroot/current is atomically updated to point the new release directory.

As part of the deployment process, Amezmo will run a chmod across your target deployment directory. This ensures that any files created from your hooks will have correct and expected permissions. Amezmo ensures the owner/group is www-data:deployer. This allows for expected permissions across all areas of your application.

For directories, the permissions are 2775/drwxrwxr-x, for files the permissions are 0664/-rw-rw--r--.

Failed deployments

For a deployment to enter the Failed state, any of the following conditions must be met:

When a deployment step fails, the process will be aborted. This means that your current release will not be affected by a failed deployment, as Amezmo only updates your symbolic link as a final step in the process.
