Solr configuration

Amezmo configures the Solr instance for Drupal with default credentials. The autogenerated credentials may be found in your dotenv file and within the Configuration tab in your Amezmo dashboard. See below for the configuration that Amezmo generates.

Variable Value
SOLR_HOST See your Application details panel*
SOLR_CORE drupal

* To access your Application details panel go to Overview > Application details.

The SOLR_HOST value is what you will provide to your Drupal configuration form. This is where your actual Solr server lives. This is unique to your instance and is only available after you launch it. See below for an example host name.

This screenshot highlights the Solr host which gets generated after your instance is launched. The Solr host value exist only after the instance is created.

To view your automatic dotenv variable set for Solr, see the screenshot below. This example shows which variable set Amezmo generates.

Currently there is no mechanism to upload a Solr configset to Amezmo. Please reach out to Support for assistance with this.