Installing Composer/NPM dependencies

Hooks on Amezmo are simply bash script files located in the top level .amezmo directory. Use the .amezmo/after.pull hook to install Composer dependencies. Be sure to commit your composer.lock files to source control in order to speed up package installation.

Your application directory should have the .amezmo directory created as shown below.

# This is your application directory structure.
├── .amezmo
│   ├── after.pull
├── app
├── storage
├── public
├── .env

# Path to this script: <your repo>/.amezmo/after.pull
# IMPORTANT: set -e is required to instruct Bash to
# exit if any command
# returns a non-zero exit code
set -e;

# RELEASE_ID is a predefined variable that
# Amezmo sets upon executing this script
echo "Running script after.pull for release ${RELEASE_ID}";

composer \
    --no-ansi \
    --no-interaction \
    --optimize-autoloader \
    --no-progress \
    --no-dev \
    --profile \

# Uncomment if using Laravel
# php artisan migrate --no-interaction --no-ansi --force;

# The following command has been tested and strongly recommended
# for fast deployments Amezmo will persist
# node_modules to /webroot/node_modules and symbolically
# link /webroot/release/$RELEASE_ID to /webroot/node_modules
# directory so a fresh install
# is not required for each deployment

if [ -f "package.json" ]; then
    NODE_ENV=production npm \
        --no-audit \
        --no-optional \
        --only=prod \
        --no-progress install;

Composer and NPM are setup for you out of the box when you launch an instance. If you're not commiting your vendor or node_modules directory to source control, then you can install your dependencies with a deployment hook.

To make deployments fast and to not require a fresh install of Composer/NPM packages for each deployment, Amezmo has implemented a persistency pattern so your deployments execute fast.

Amezmo will persist a reference to your node_modules directory at /webroot/node_modules and symbolically link /webroot/release/$RELEASE_ID to your /webroot/node_modules directory so a fresh install is not required for each deployment.

Using Hooks to Install Dependencies

Deployment hooks are files defined under the .amezmo directory inside your root directory of your application. You must create this directory and create deployment scripts inside this directory.

It's important that your script runs in non-interactive mode in order to prevent your deployment from failing. Deployment hooks currerntly have an execution limit. We recommend using the following script for installing dependencies with Composer. See below for a working deployment hook example.
