Backup and Restore

By default, Amezmo installs MySQL 5.7 on your instance. This installation is optimized for security and performance. Backups are user-initiated.

Amezmo offers logical backups to be taken from user-initiated process. This type of backup is commonly known as a "Database dump" which is a file consisting of SQL statements such as CREATE TABLE, INSERT and CREATE DATABASE. This backup can be used to replicate your production environment on your local machine and for archiving purposes.

Restoring from a local backup

You may restore a database from a local backup file into your Amezmo instance by providing a backup file. The file should be the same type of file you would use to restore the database on your local machine.

Amezmo supports .sql files that you'd produce with a command line utility such as mysqldump. This .sql file may optionally be compressed into a .zip or .tar.gz archive. From the Amezmo dashboard you may provide a .zip, tar.gz, or a .sql file.

Encrypted backups

You may optionally have your backups encrypted with an encryption key of your choice. Learn more.