Create a deployment

You may invoke a deployment on your instance with an optional archive file. This archive file allows you to upload a complete version of your application without having to use Git. A common use case for deploying with an archive file is when you're using a pipeline provider such as GitHub actions.

See the Amezmo GitHub Actions repository for a complete working example of using GitHub actions to deploy an application.

Deployments with an archive file work exactly like regular Git deployments.

When deploying with the Amezmo API, The after.pull deployment hook will not be run. Instead, use the after.extract hook to run code after extracting your archive.

POST /v1/instances/{instance_id}/deployments


Parameter Type In Description
api_key string header Required. Your API key.
environment string body Required. The environment name for this deployment. This can be production or staging.
instance_id string uri Required. The ID of the instance that this deployment will be executed on.
archive body uri Required. The archive file that contains the source code of your application. This can be a zip or a tar archive. The maximum size of an archive file is 512MB.
repo_owner string body The repository owner. Required if repo_name is provided.
repo_name string body The repository name. Required if repo_owner is provided.
branch string body The name of the branch
pusher string body The email address of the user that invoked the deployment
commit string body The git commit hash
tag string body The git tag

Code samples

curl --request POST \
    --url{instance_id}/deployments \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
    --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
    --form environment=production \
    --form archive=@{archive} \
    --form repo_owner=amezmo \
    --form repo_name=github-actions-demo \
    --form branch=main \


201 Created

    "id": 838,
    "status": "pending"
