Create an instance

POST /v1/instances


Parameter Type In Description
runtime string body Required One of php
instance_type string body Required One of hobby, developer, business. See Instance types
region string body Required The region id. See Regions
name string body The identifier for this instance.
domain string body An initial domain name for the production environment
php dictionary body PHP configuration. Only valid if runtime is php
php.version string php The PHP version for the instance
php.composer_version string php The default composer version. Either 1 or 2
mysql dictionary body MySQL configuration
mysql.version string mysql 5.7 or 8
mysql.enabled boolean mysql Enables or disables the MySQL server for this instance.
mysql.database dictionary mysql Initial database configuration string mysql.database Initial database name
mysql.database.user string mysql.database Initial database user
mysql.database.password string mysql.database Initial database password
app_type string body One of 'laravel', 'octane', 'other', 'symfony', 'craftcms', 'drupal', 'wordpress', 'bedrock'

Code samples

curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
    --data runtime=php
    --data instance_type=business
    --data region=lb2-us
    --data app_type=other


201 Created

    "id": 1,
    "name": "engage-plugandplay-564192df9c",
    "runtime_description": "PHP",
    "instance_type": "business",
    "description": null,
    "runtime_config": {
        "php": {
            "max_upload_size_mb": 512,
            "fpm_worker_memory_limit_mb": 256,
            "version": "7.4"
        "mysql": {
            "enabled": true,
            "version": "5.7"
        "redis": {
            "enabled": true
        "nginx": {
            "enabled": true
    "state": "Launching",
    "trusted_ssh_ips": [],
    "created_at": "2021-10-27T22:20:29.000000Z",
    "region": "lb2-us",
    "environments": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "production",
            "environment_name": "production",
            "state": "pending",
            "storage_directory": "/webroot/storage",
            "ssh_enabled": false,
            "maintenance_mode_enabled_at": null,
            "ssh_port": null,
            "app_domain": "",
            "current_deployment_id": null,
            "container_root_directory": "/webroot",
            "app_type": "other",
            "auto_deploy_enabled": 1,
            "repo_owner": null,
            "repo_name": null,
            "branch_name": null,
            "provider_name": null,
            "maintenance_mode_enabled": false,
            "auto_install_composer": 1,
            "webroot": null,
            "app_domain_enabled": 1,
            "app_root": null,
            "nginx_basic_auth_enabled": 0,
            "nginx_basic_auth_users": [],
            "trusted_ips": [],
            "node_modules_symlink": 0,
            "vendor_symlink": 0,
            "static_file_cache": 0,
            "auto_artisan_migrations": 1,
            "default_composer_version": "1",
            "auto_deploy_tag_patterns": [],
            "auto_deploy_branch_patterns": []
            "id": 2,
            "environment_name": "staging",
            "state": "pending",
            "storage_directory": "/webroot/3ee35a7060676b6d/storage",
            "ssh_enabled": false,
            "maintenance_mode_enabled_at": null,
            "ssh_port": null,
            "app_domain": "",
            "current_deployment_id": null,
            "container_root_directory": "/webroot/3ee35a7060676b6d",
            "app_type": "other",
            "auto_deploy_enabled": 1,
            "repo_owner": null,
            "repo_name": null,
            "branch_name": null,
            "provider_name": null,
            "maintenance_mode_enabled": false,
            "auto_install_composer": 1,
            "webroot": null,
            "app_domain_enabled": 1,
            "app_root": null,
            "nginx_basic_auth_enabled": 0,
            "nginx_basic_auth_users": [],
            "trusted_ips": [],
            "node_modules_symlink": 0,
            "vendor_symlink": 0,
            "static_file_cache": 0,
            "auto_artisan_migrations": 1,
            "default_composer_version": "1",
            "auto_deploy_tag_patterns": [],
            "auto_deploy_branch_patterns": []